A) WORK IN PAIRS: look at the photos and discuss these questions
Flight attendant: I would like know different counties, People, cultures.
I dislike will be away from my family
Police woman: make infractions, security on the streets
I dislike is a dangerous job
Trainer lions: I don’t like this job. I’m fearful
Cameramen: I would like know famous people.
WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS FOR YOU IN YOUR WORK? Arrange these aspects in order of importance. And add some things you think are important:
1 Job satisfaction
2 Earning plenty of money
3 Meting people
4 Having pleasant co-workers/colleagues
5 Security
6 Earning enough money
B) WORK IN PAIRS. Read this newspaper article and find the answers to these questions in the text.
1.What were the two reasons why virgin Atlantic was considering redundancies?
Because the last autumn have a economic crisis.
2.What were the two things Richard Branson invited his staff to do?
Instead he invited employees to take up to six months unpaid leave and to participate in a job sharing scheme
3.How many people volunteered to take unpaid leave?
Agree to work unpaid 450
4.How did the long break affect the staff’s attitude to their work?
5.Why is the scheme attractive to new recruits?
to get back job
6.Is the scheme going to become permanent?
The company was considering whether the arrangement should become a permanent feature.
C) WORK IN GROUPS. Discuss these questions:
- What are your views on Richard Branson's scheme? Would you like to participate in such a scheme?
Is a good idea because you have secure your job when you come back and also more people have the opportunity to get a job. Yes, we would like to.
-Would such a scheme succeed in the firm you work / have worked for? Why not?
Yes, because here in Cabo jobs are seasonal.
- Why do you think so many of Virgin's cabin crew took advantage of the scheme?
Because they could do others activities in their months off =)
- Could this kind of scheme only succeed with a youthful staff who have few family responsabilities?
No, because if you have family you can spend time with them.
- How could you persuade people who have considerable working experience and are used to earning a certain wage that they should take a pay cut?
We could tell them that they are going to have the oportunity to do something else while they are off work. f.e. spend time with their family or with themselves.
- What do you think of the following:
1. a four-day week 2. a nine-day fortnight 3. seasonal work 4.job sharing
1. We think that each of them depends of the company you work in.
2. Is not a good idea. we don't agree. (is good only for the company)
3. Is a good idea for students.
4. It depends on the employee needs.